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Training Provider Accreditation

What is SETA accreditation?

According to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), accreditation means that a person, a body or an institution has been certified as “having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority.”

SETA accreditation can only be attained by a training provider if it successfully completes the stringent application process prescribed by a relevant SETA. SETA accreditation is therefore the result of a process whereby a SETA determines whether a training provider has the necessary capacity and ability to provide quality training in line with National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards.

What is the purpose of SETA Accreditation?

The purpose of SETA accreditation is to make sure that education and training is of a high standard and quality and that it is relevant to the needs of the industry sector in question. If a training provider has SETA accreditation, it means that the training provider’s courses comply with the NQF standards, and that the courses offered have been evaluated to ensure that they are in line with these standards. SETA accreditation also aims to ensure that there is uniformity of similar courses offered by different training providers. SETA accreditation therefore provides the assurance that a training provider will be capable of providing relevant training and education that is in line with national standards. Another purpose of SETA accreditation is to ensure that the courses being offered by accredited training providers are relevant to industry needs and will equip students with the skills that they will need in the workplace.

What does it mean to be a Services SETA accredited training provider?

A Services SETA accredited training provider is a training provider that offers courses and/or qualifications within the services industry and that are in line with the relevant standards of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). This means that the provider has successfully gone through the stringent accreditation process set out by the Services SETA. Due to the SETA “stamp of approval”, Services SETA accredited providers are relied on to provide high quality, industry-relevant training and education within the services sector. Training received through a Services SETA accredited provider is also formally recognized throughout South Africa.

Accreditation is granted to a skills development provider following a quality assurance process that demonstrates the quality of training offered by that training provider.

There are a number of reasons for a company or a learner to use an accredited training provider for skills development requirements.

You can be assured that the quality of training you will receive is of high standard and that the training provider is not a fly-by-night institution.
You can be assured the courses offered are SETA approved, meaning the training programmes provided are according to the standards set out in the relevant National Qualifications Framework (NQF) legislation
When completing your BEE scorecard, you can claim points against your training expenditure
It is one of the qualification criteria for SETA grants and SARS tax rebates
Qualifications obtained from an accredited service provider is a recognised qualification

You can search whether a training provider is accredited with the Services SETA. Please note that only training providers accredited to deliver our Services SETA qualifications will be on this database.

How does SETA accreditation benefit students?

If a student completes a SETA accredited course through a training provider that has SETA accreditation, the student can earn the appropriate NQF credits. NQF credits can count towards full qualifications that are recognized throughout South Africa.  In other words, SETA accreditation means that a course or qualification can be formally recognized. This is of benefit to the student, as employers in certain sectors often require their employees to have formal qualifications. Formal recognition is also beneficial to students who wish to change from one course to another without having to repeat subjects or courses that they may already have completed.

SETA accreditation is also an indication to students that a training provider is reputable, and not a fly-by-night institution. Another benefit of SETA accreditation is that it assures students that they will be receiving training that they will be able to apply in the workplace and that they will be equipped with skills that are sought after by employers within the particular industry sector.

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