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TRAINYOUCAN Accredited Training Network strives to deliver the highest level of service delivery and 100% compliance with SAQA and the ETQA’s (SETA) guidelines and policies. Not only does this add extra creditability to our brand, but also to the learner satisfaction and competency to perform the actual task.

We at TRAINYOUCAN Accredited Training Network do not want to be associated with any of the common Training Provider Scams and Fraud and will never entertain any related discussions at any point in time.

Don’t get caught with the most common training scams and fraud!

1. POE building (Portfolio of Evidence) in the class is against the SAQA policy [1] and the NQF Objectives [2] plus a “cheap” way to sell courses by compiling fraudulent evidence for certification. Providers should be reported to the relevant ETQA for investigation and possible de-registration including certified learners as the programmes are offered outside the scope of approval. [8][9][10][11][12][14][15]

2. Reduced classroom (contact session) as per the minimum guidelines of the Unit Standards NQF Credit allocation to save on catering, venue and facilitation cost. [1] [3] [8][9][14][15]

3. Falsely advertising, misleading learners with content or the inappropriate/unauthorised use of the SAQA or SETA logos or trademarks [6] with learning content that does not meet the NQF principles [2] where either the learning programme or the training provider is not accredited by the relevant ETQA for delivery. [4] [6]

4. Issuing of certification (mostly in class) without complete/any uploading of learner achievements and the confirmation of receipt (copy of the SOR – Statement of Results) on the ETQA/NRLD database, also known as “Selling Certificates”. [6][12][15]

5. Not providing the relevant supporting structures as defined by the SAQA policy for Accreditation of Training Provider[7][8][9] or limiting the supporting /enrolment period with sub-clauses of impossible/unreasonable timelines. [14]

Reference sources:

[1] SAQA Policy 2003: The National Qualifications Framework and the Standards Setting; reference to page 9, “Credit system”.

‘Notional hours of learning’ refers to the learning time that it would take an average learner to meet the outcomes defined, such as: contact time, time spent in structured learning in the workplace, individual learning and assessment.

The process include:

Delivery. (Typical contact session + formative assessments).
Workplace experience. (Outside the classroom before assessment can take place)
Assessment. (Summative assessment)

[2] National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act 67 of 2008) – NQF Objectives.

The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the NQF Act No 67 of 2008 are as follows:

To create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements;
Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths;
Enhance the quality of education and training;
Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities.

The objectives of the NQF are designed to contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.

[3] SAQA Guidelines: Criteria and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Providers, 01 October 2001, page 25, section 3.D.iii in respect of: Policies and practices for learner entry, guidance and support systems.


[4] Understanding the different definitions of “accreditation”  including (a) a persons accreditation, (b) a Training Providers accreditation or (c) the Learning Programmes accreditation.


[5]  Notional learning hours are the estimated learning time taken by the ‘average’ student to achieve the specified learning outcomes of the course-unit or programme. They are therefore not a precise measure but provide students with an indication of the amount of study and degree of commitment expected.


[6] No reference on the SAQA policies or guidelines found, but general good  practices for operation and authentication should be used. The only reference found as the criteria SAQA provides on the information that should appear on the certificate that is in direct conflict of issuing certificate with reference to the in-appropriate use of NQF, Credits, Unit Standards and ETQA or SAQA logos.

SAQA Policy: Policy on Usage of SAQA Trademarks by Stakeholders

 The Trademarks lodged are the following:

South African Qualifications Authority
South African Qualifications Authority together with the old and new Q devices
National Qualifications Framework
National Learners’ Records Database
NQF support link together with logo


[7] ETQAs are accredited by SAQA for “…the purpose of monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national standards or qualifications and standards” (SAQA, 2001c:7). In turn, ETQAs are responsible for accrediting providers34 whose primary focus35 coincides with the primary focus of the ETQA, provided that the body seeking accreditation:


is registered as a provider in terms of the applicable legislation36;
has an effective and functional QMS as required by the ETQA regulations;
is able to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes, which culminate in specified registered standards and qualifications;
has the necessary financial, administrative and physical resources;
has the necessary policies, practices and reporting procedures as required by the ETQA regulations; and
has not already been granted accreditation by another ETQA.


SAQA (2001a) prescribes only two forms of  Training Provider Accreditation:


Provisional accreditation: “Granted for an agreed, limited period of time according to an agreed programme of development to enable full accreditation criteria to be met, provided the interests of the learner are protected” (SAQA, 2001a:11).
Full Accreditation: “The certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act” (SAQA, 2001a:17).


[8] SAQA Guidelines: Criteria and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Providers, 01 October 2001, page 26, section 3.D.iv in respect of: Policies and practices for managing off-site practical or work-site components.


[9] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Principles of the NQF, namely:


Integration; To form part of a system of human resources development which provides for the establishment of a unifying approach to education and training.
Relevance; To be and remain responsive to national development needs.
Credibility; To have international and national value and acceptance.
Coherence; To work within a consistent framework of principles and certification.
Flexibility; To allow for multiple pathways to the same learning ends.
Standards; To be expressed in terms of a nationally agreed framework and internationally acceptable outcomes.
Legitimacy; To provide for the participation of all national stakeholders in the planning and co-ordination of standards and qualifications.
Access; To provide ease of entry to appropriate levels of education and training for all prospective learners in a manner which facilitates progression.
Articulation; To provide for learners, on successful completion of accredited prerequisites, to move between components of the delivery system.
Progression; To ensure that the framework of qualifications permits individuals to move through the levels of national qualifications via different appropriate combinations of the components of the delivery system.
Portability; To enable learners to transfer credits of qualifications from one learning institution and/or employer to another.
Recognition of Prior Learning; To, through assessment, give credit to learning which has already been acquired in different ways.
Guidance of learners; To provide for counseling of learners by specially trained individuals who meet nationally recognized standards for educators and trainers.


[10] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Principles of Assessment, namely:




[11] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Principles of OBET (Outcome Based Education and Training) with regards to Applied competence that consist out of:


Practical competence; The demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks in an authentic context. A range of actions or possibilities is considered, and decisions are made about which actions to follow.


Foundational competence; The demonstrated understanding of what the learner is doing and why. This underpins the practical competence and therefore the actions taken.


Reflexive competence; The demonstrated ability to integrate performance with understanding, so as to show that the learner is able to adapt to changed circumstances appropriately and responsibly, and to explain the reason behind an action.


[12] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Formative and Summative Assessment.


Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of learning and teaching.


Assists in the planning future learning
Diagnoses the learner’s strength and weaknesses
Provides feedback to the learner on his/her progress
Helps to make decisions on the readiness of learners to do a summative assessment
Is developmental in nature
Credits/certificates are not awarded


Summative assessment is assessment for making a judgement about achievement. This is carried out when a learner is ready to be assessed at the end of a programme of learning.


At the end of a learning programme (qualification, unit standard, or part qualification)
To determine whether the learner is competent or not yet competent
In knowledge and inputs-based systems, this usually occurs after a specified period of study.
In OBET, learner-readiness determines when assessments will take place
Is carried out when the assessor and the learner agree that the learner is ready for assessment


[13] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Formative Assessments leads to Summative Assessments.


Results initially collected as results for formative assessment, can be used for summative assessment with the agreement of the learner. This will prevent having to assess outcomes twice.


The organization of the learning programme will inform decisions on when summative assessments can take place, e.g. a learning programme can be organized around one outcome or a set of outcomes, depending on what is appropriate in terms of ensuring learner success. Summative assessments are administered when a learner has gone through such a programme and is ready to be assessed. On declaration of competence, credit is then given, recorded and reported.


[14] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Quality of Evidence that consist out of:


Validity of evidence

Does the evidence relate to the specific outcomes and criteria to be assessed? Evidence is not automatically valid (or invalid) – evidence should be appropriate to hat is being assessed.


Authenticity of evidence

Can the evidence be attributed to the learner? Is the evidence the learner’s own work? In written assessments, safeguards against dishonesty have long been in place. In  BET, there is no difficulty in checking authenticity where the assessor is observing the learner directly. However, where indirect evidence is produced, or where group work was undertaken, the assessor has to verify that the evidence is the learner’s own work, and in the case of group work, that he/she has made a fair contribution to the end-result.


Sufficiency of evidence

Is there enough evidence to meet all the criteria needed to certify the learner as  competent? Is the assessor confident that the performance can be repeated? The use of various sources of evidence and a variety of assessment activities assist in ensuring that the evidence is sufficient. This will ensure that enough evidence is provided to meet all the criteria and the applicable range statements.


Currency of evidence

Is the evidence related to current competence? Currency refers to the applicability of skills, knowledge and understanding in the present circumstances. In some fields of study, currency of experience and training is of the utmost importance.


[15] SAQA Policy: Criteria and Guidelines for Assessment of NQF Registered Unit standards and Qualifications; Steps in the Assessment Process, namely:


Preparatory phase, with reference to the section of:


Decide on the timing of assessment

The timing of assessments will depend on the following factors:

the rationale for assessments at certain points in the learning programme (formative or summative), i.e. will learners be at a logical end-point of learning, or at a point where diagnosis needs to be made?
the sharing of facilities with other assessors
the extent to which workplace learners will be able to undertake assessments


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