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Accreditation Explained


Accreditation means the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act.

Accreditation Explained

Umalusi accredits private providers of education and training as well as private assessment bodies to offer tuition and/or assessment for qualification(s) on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework (GFETQSF).

This means that Umalusi accredits the following institutions:

Independent schools;
Private Further Education and Training Colleges (FET Colleges);
Private Adult Education and Training providers;
Private assessment bodies that assess the qualifications Umalusi certifies.

In accrediting institutions Umalusi is guided by policy documents that contain criteria for accreditation for each institutional type.

Umalusi does not accredit public providers.

Instead, Umalusi monitors and reports on the quality of the qualifications and curricula used in public schools, TVET colleges and Adult Learning Centres, and externally monitors the national assessment system.

Full Qualification:

Accreditation is for training providers wishing to deliver and assess qualifications that fall within Fasset’s scope of delegated quality assurance. The majority of finance and accounting qualifications no longer form part of our scope, and provider accreditation for those qualifications is the direct responsibility of the assigned professional body, see the table below.

Both Fasset and the professional bodies are QCTO Quality Assurance Partners (QAPs) responsible for certain quality assurance functions associated with stipulated qualifications. Please consult the table below to identify the QAP responsible for provider accreditation for the qualification of your interest. Each QAP has its own accreditation criteria, process and form, and providers need to liaise with the relevant body directly.

Applicant Providers should first send a letter of intent to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), intent template can be sourced from the QCTO website.

The main steps in the accreditation process to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider:

The Training Provider determines the primary focus
The SETA Quality Assurance Management Division requirements are compiled by the provider
The Training Provider completes and submits an online application form for accreditation
A compliance check is conducted by SETA and the provider receives a notification of compliance / non-compliance
The Training Provider responds to the notification if necessary
A site visit is scheduled and conducted by a SETA ETQA evaluator
The evaluator sends his/her report to SETA
The evaluation report is quality assured and the report indicating the status of accreditation is sent to the provider. Where applicable, areas of remediation will be detailed in the report.
The Training Provider is required to respond to areas of remediation if necessary, and make the relevant submission.
Confirm registration with the DHET

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